New Record Set By Bitcoin, Again

Standing still, Bitcoin remains on its greatest growth. Bitcoin hits its huge milestone from the breaking of $6,000 as price of the cryptocurrency this weekend along with other cryptocurrencies. When Bitcoin first started on 2009 by dealing only over $1,000 it …. Read More…

Standing still, Bitcoin remains on its greatest growth.

Bitcoin hits its huge milestone from the breaking of $6,000 as price of the cryptocurrency this weekend along with other cryptocurrencies.

When Bitcoin first started on 2009 by dealing only over $1,000 it marked also as there start up upon obtaining the target for a span of three years. In February this year, the digital currency surpasses the price set of $1,165, a record set in 2014.


Bitcoin progressed over $1,400 during the third week of May and that was an enduring growth. As of the last week of May, it went all the way up to $1,534.


Counting on the early months of 2017, Bitcoin’s acceleration for over $1,000 was considered by analysts as momentary. But looking at the records now, it could fully accelerate to break odds again.


Speculations are still roaming that $6,000 rate per Bitcoin will be applied starting today and moving forward. This could mean, if you got your Bitcoin more than five years ago, it would have gotten times ten today.


There are also a lot of doubts that the virtual currency is associated with illegal transactions, but all these are only speculations – not proven facts. However, during Bitcoin’s Pizza Day, the following facts are highlighted:


  • Bitcoin breaks former records just a week ago by nearly $5,000 price.
  • The company commemorates its seventh anniversary for Bitcoin Pizza Day.
  • This means that if you have purchased $100 worth of Bitcoin seven years ago, you would have been a multimillionaire today.
  • At the time when Hanyecz pizzas was $30, today, it would have costed $22.5 million worth of Bitcoins.


Factors considered that have driven the rally:

  • Legislation in Japan that allows retailers to accept Bitcoin as a legal currency which has a great growth exchanging through yen. This makes up over 40% of all trades of Bitcoin.
  • Uncertainty in the political issues within the globe that has urged higher market for Bitcoin as a safer sanctuary.


Bitcoin spares alternative solutions for the satisfaction of its users and is constantly improving the platform for security and proper regulation.


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